Franio Zofia

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Story of Rescue - Zofia Franio Zofia

During the occupation, Zofia Franio (1899-1978), pseudonym The Doctor, was a pioneer in the Female Military Training movement, Commandant of Kobiece Patrole Minerskie ZWZ-AK (Women’s Mine Patrol) and, during the Warsaw Uprising, was the leader of women-sappers in the Northern City Sapper Command. She was Communications Director of the Freedom and Independence Association.

During the Stalinist era, she was imprisoned for political reasons. She was a respected doctor within Warsaw hospitals and clinics and was active in the Polish Red Cross. She was called “The Poor Man's Doctor”.

During the War, Zofia Franio, at her own initiative, hid Jews and provided them with material support. One of those who benefited from “The Doctor’s” generosity was Anna Aszkenazy-Wirska, a teacher from Wilno. She had arrived in Warsaw in the autumn of 1941, having been forced to move as the result of denunciation. She found refuge in the home of Zofia Franio. The doctor obtaiedn legal documents for her and also helped Anna to find employment.

“The Doctor” searched for  information about the fate of the families of those in her care. When it happened that Anna’s family had been sent to the Bełżec extermination camp, Zofia decided to go there, with Anna, to support her at that difficult time. Once there, they discovered that Anna’s mother and sister had already perished. However, they managed to locate Anna’s brother, whom Zofia also took under her care.

When hiding the Jews became too dangerous, “The Doctor” found them alternative accommodation. Thanks to Zofia Franio’s help, Anna and her brother survived the occupation. After the War, Anna settled in London.

In November 1942, Anna Weinstock–Janczura, who had come to the capital from Lwów, also found shelter in the home of Zofia Franio. “The Doctor” took her in, obtained false papers for her and found her work as a domestic helper. Because Anna had no experience, the job put her in danger. As a result of any employer dissatisfaction, she could also have exposed “The Doctor” to danger.

Apart from providing the necessities survival, “The Doctor” also provided moral support for those under her care. Anna Weinstock-Janczura recalls, “Anyone who didn’t experience the country’s occupation doesn’t know what it means to someone, who is alone and often depressed, to get a word of comfort, of the truth about a better future […] I don’t know how to thank her enough for what she did for me”.

During the occupation, Zofia Franio led the Warsaw branch of the Kierownictwo Dywersji (the underground movement of the AK - Home Army). As part of her activities, she was involved in helping the Żydowska Organizacja Bojowa (Jewish Fighting Organisation) in the ghetto and conducted smuggling operations. On her orders, the Kobiece Patrole Minerskie threw weapons, ammunition and incendiary materials over the ghetto wall. The main smuggling point was at Krakowskie Przedmieście 4.

Zofia Franio was also involved in child and medical care for Żegota, helping Jews hidden on the "Aryan side". She helped Dr Eleonora Reicher and her nephew, Piotr Karniol.

On 18th April 1978, in the offices of the Society of Fighters for Freedom and Democracy (Związek Bojowników o Wolność i Demokrację), Zofia Franio was awarded the Righteous Among the Nations medal. It was awarded on the testimony of Anna Aszkenazy-Wirska. Anna Weinstock-Janczura also told her story to the Yad Vashem Institute. Zofia Franio was extremely moved and surprised by this recognition.

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