During the Nazi occupation, Edward Chądzyński lived in Warsaw, where he worked in the Registry Office of the Municipal Council. Within that department, they collaborated with the Resistance Movement by preparing false documents for them and for escapees from the ghetto.
Chądzyński took part in this work by obtaining birth certificates necessary for the false documents. To achieve this, he obtained the cooperation of nearby parish churches (St. Mary’s Church at the New Town Market Square, St. Anthony’s Church on Senatorska Street).
The exact number of Jews Chądzyński helped in this way is not known, but there were many. In a statement by Zdzisław Goldberg, he mentions papers that were obtained for his eleven-member family and for other friends. Likewise, Maciej Daniel writes that not only did he receive papers from Chądzyński, but a dozen or so of his friends did also.
Material obtained by the Jewish Historical Institute provides additional names of people who received lifesaving papers from Edward. They are Jerzy Goldberg, Bronka Feinstein, Marcel Metelman, Halina Petersburska, Rafał Praga, Jola Tuwim, Jerzy Rynecki, Maria Chęciner, Dr Marek Marski, together with Felicja Stern and her son.
Felicja contacted Edward in March 1943, asking for help to save her son. Chądzyński, with his sister Janiną Zarembą, assisted in getting the boy out of the ghetto and ensured that he received "Aryan" papers. Later, the boy stayed with Janina. Edward also urged Felicja to escape to the "Aryan" side. He supplied her with documents under the name "Krystyna Rozwadowska" and hid her at the house of his cousin, Jadwiga Patrońska, in Praga, where she remained until the end of the occupation..
After the War, Felicja and her son emigrated to Israel. Over many years, she remained in contact with Edward.