Kolczewska Mieczyslawa

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Story of Rescue - Kolczewska Mieczyslawa

Mieczysława Kołczewska was a teacher. Together with Fryderyka Safir and Henryka Żórawska,she worked at the school in Kraśnik, some 30 miles from Lublin. The three women lived there together and became close friends.

During the war Safir, who was Jewish, hid at the Żórawskis’ house in Lublin, but after about two years she had to abandon this hideout for fear of being denounced.

Mieczysława was active in the AK, the Polish Underground. Thanks to these contacts, she arranged forged documents for Fryderyka in the name of Teresa Michalewska and delivered these to Tarnopol, where Fryderyka was staying. Those "Aryan” papers helped Fryderyka survive the Holocaust.  

After the war Fryderyka Safir left Poland.


  • Madała K., Interview with Henryka Żórawska, 20.01.1995
  • Gutman Israel red. nacz., Księga Sprawiedliwych wśród Narodów Świata, Ratujący Żydów podczas Holocaustu